Polished Concretes

In what circumstances the polished concrete is used

Polished concrete is used as a fundamental for laying industrial flooring of any kind of resins:  polyurethane, epoxy, acrylic and etc. We advice you to use polished concrete for any industrial floor with heavy workload. Strength of pressure for this type of fundamental could get close 30MPa.

Specifics of processing polished concrete used as a fundamental for laying  industrial flooring.

Making a fundamental of polished concrete is a very specific task. The material is very fickle, it is vulnerable to climate changes, it requires a close attention, specific technic and experienced team.

Our team process polished concrete for fundamental of industrial resins floor using “helicopter” (mechanical float) and disc. Our team do not seal the polished concrete, thus the fundamental surface stays rough and the resins flooring bonds to the fundamental.

Are there cases where the polished concrete is used as a standalone flooring?

Yes, it is appropriate for:

  • warehouses – mainly for industrial products
  • gas stations – in this case we add graphite to the polished concrete so the surface becomes antistatic (non-sparking and conductive)
  • commercial trading chains
  • logistic centers

What are the main disadvantages when using polished concrete as a standalone flooring?

It is very slippery especially in a rainy or snowy weather.
It releases more dust than the the self-leveling polymer floors, that is why it is not suitable for places with an obligation to observe high hygiene requirements. The same is the reason why the polished concrete could not be used as a standalone flooring in the pharmaceutical and food industries. It does not meet the European union standarts for flooring.

Contact us and we can discuss what type of polished concrete you need, for fundamental, as a standalone floor, with or without impurities. We will consult you, perform and supervise the whole process of making the polished concrete.