Thermal and Hydro Insulation

We offer indoor and outdoor hydro and thermal insulation for new and old buildings. For roofs, walls, balconies. Choosing the right materials and supervision of the whole process is our concern. We know that insulation installation is a big investment and that is why we offer you only the best options for you home, office, store, hotel or any other building. We know that the comfort of your home, heating bills and long term condition of the building depends on our effectively made insulation.

It is extremely important to choose the right materials for a certain building. After our specialist inspect the building and get to know with all aspects of the place, they will advice you what is the best choice of hydro or thermal insulation.

Main isolating materials categories

Mineral wool

This category includes natural materials such as:

  • stone wool – widely used material for roofing insulation. It is waterproof and it provides thermal insulation as well as sound and fire protection
  • glass wool – most often used for thermal insulation of ceilings
  • insulating blocks based on cement, mortar and sand.
EPS thermal insulation – styrofoam

It is used mostly for thermal insulation of walls. It is preferred for outdoor thermal insulation because of it’s breathability. It is important to cover this material with solid coating.

XPS thermal insulation – fiber

Excellent for waterproofing basements, foundations, balconies, roofs, plinths. It is suitable for waterproofing floors with heavy load.

Polyurethane insulations

Excellent material for seamless insulation on which is placed elastomeric coating for protection from environmental influences.

Why you should leave us take care of the thermal and hydro insulation of your building?

Above we listed the materials only by general categories. Every one of them requires specific technic for installation. If you are trying to install thermal or hydro insulation by yourself, you risk to loose time and money without the acquiring the desired results.

Професионалната помощ на фирма „Александър и синове“ ООД ви гарантира, че ще получите най-добрата за вашата сграда хидро- и топлоизолация. Тя ще осигурява комфорт и ще повишава енергийната ефективност на помещенията с години.

The professional help of “Aleksandar and Sons” LLD guarantees you that you will receive the best hydro and thermal insulation for your building. It will provide the needed comfort and energy – efficiency of your building that will last for years.

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